sabato 25 novembre 2017

Vita mia

Quando ti ho qui al mio fianco
tutto svanisce per incanto
e divento un dolce angelo
seduta comoda tra le nuvole.

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My love

My love

When I have you by my side.
everything vanish for enchantment.
and become a sweet angel
sitting comfortably among clouds.

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giovedì 16 novembre 2017

Anima che vaghi nell’oscurità

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A soul wandering in the darkness

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Persino l’inesorabile tempo [Modella: Gloria Duca]

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Even the inexorable time [Model: Gloria Duca]

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Nuvola di passione

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Puff of Passion

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Seguimi, vieni con me

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Follow me, come with me

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mercoledì 1 novembre 2017

Scolpisci i tuoi sogni

[Parole Suggerite: Gioco, Risate, Lenzuola, Maiuscole by Lu Salomè]
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Chisel your dreams

[Suggested Words: Game, Laughter, Sheets, Capital Letter By Lu Salomè]
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